"All the world is a stage, and we the people merely players." ~William Shakespeare

Welcome to Sumter High's Drama Club On Line!

This site is finally going to be worked on! A lot has occurred in the Club lately, and now updating must be done!

On the 6th of Februaray Skitz-O-Phrenia was performed. Unfortunately it was only a one night performance. More info on that and pics coming soon.

If you have any complaints or compliments then drop someone a line!

Webhostess Cassie Blake | President Austin Herring | Webhost Quinn Tokaz

Places to See in the Drama Club!

Updates | Members | News | Plays | Picture Perfect | Upcoming Events | International Thespian Society | Critic's Corner | Links

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Copyright © Sumter High Drama Club, 2000-01. Most Images and graphics created by Double Fantasy Graphics and are Copyrighted to Cassandra K. Blake, 2001-04. All rights reserved.